Snuffle Monkey's Blog Spot

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Talking to the fairies

Katie's Favorite Things:

1. Getting her diaper changed (she thinks it's really funny if there's poop in it!)
2. Riding, or should we say, living, in the Baby Bjorn.
3. Walking outside and smelling all the things blooming (but not when it's too sunny. Too much sun makes her sneeze.)
4. Talking to the fairies, as in the photo on the left.(She might just be looking at ceiling fans. It's hard to tell the difference.)
5. Smelling new things (strawberry Carnation Instant Breakfast.)
6. Tasting new things (she gummed a banana this morning 'til I finally took it away from her. She wasn't happy.)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Out and About

If anything is saving my sanity, it's getting out on the town with Katie. She doesn't seem to mind since she sleeps through most outings. This picture was taken at Open Door School. Isn't he adorable?

Of course, as soon as we get home, her demeanor often changes quite quickly! As sweet as she is, she can't keep it up all day.

Until I plop her in the Baby Bjorn. The poor child's an addict! But whatever works, right? Now that I've got the hang of this, expect frequent updates!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Snuffle Monkey (a.k.a. Kaitlyn)

Yes, Kaitlyn is also known as Snuffle Monkey (Chunky Monkey, Snuggle Bunny, Little Piggy, the list is quite extensive!) This blog is mostly for grandmoms and proud aunties. It's a lot cheaper than sending pictures every other week. So mom, this blog's for you! Right now, Kaitlyn is snoozing on her dad's chest, keeping her lips tightly sealed so he can't slip the bottle in for her nightly feeding. Oh daddy. This is just the beginning!